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DOE Issues Final Rule on Coordination of Federal Authorizations for Electric Transmission Facilities. May, 2024.

DOE’s new CITAP Program promises to increase efficiency of the environmental permitting process for transmission lines. But can more administrative meetings, timelines, and regulatory uncertainty overcome the risk of litigation, siting challenges, and construction delays?… Read More »DOE Issues Final Rule on Coordination of Federal Authorizations for Electric Transmission Facilities. May, 2024.

Court validates BLM’s climate analysis, dings agency for failing to show how it factored in oil and gas lease sale. March, 2024

A District judge reviews the Environmental Assessment for an oil and gas leasing program and reminds the BLM that it must “show its work and explain its reasoning.” The purpose of NEPA “is not to generate paperwork… Read More »Court validates BLM’s climate analysis, dings agency for failing to show how it factored in oil and gas lease sale. March, 2024